Sunday, December 21, 2008

Poor little birdies

Marmie was feeling sorry for the birds this morning, so she braved the elements and filled up the bird feeder. It didn't take long for the news to spread in the bird communities - they were enjoying a treat within minutes.

The major wind storm didn't materialize for us last night, thankfully! But I stayed overnight with Mom last night, just so we'd each have moral support. We woke up to a bit more snow, with a freezing rain topping and now it's snowing again. White Christmas for sure this year - at least on the ground anyway.

Well, my Christmas cards are nearly done and I've made cookies...haven't wrapped yet, but will likely have time tomorrow as I don't think I'll be going to work.

(Guess I'm blogging on Mom's page, but I couldn't remember my password over here)


1 comment:

  1. Mom - that's so good to take care of the birds. Dad's proud of you! We have had a ton of junko's in our back yard eating the seed we've been putting out every day for them. And Norm gives the hummer fresh food each morning. He can't even hang up the feeder before the little guy comes in for a landing.
